четверг, 22 мая 2014 г.

#Poker and #Forex

Looking at clouds, thinking about poker and Forex trading.
Many years ago I tried my skills in Forex.
I got some luck on play deposit. It`s a bit simillar as in poker. Same math, analitics, reading news...
Difference in Luck factor. Pokerpros have a small interfere of Luck - about 15-20%. Not so many our hands went to showdawns. On Forex market easier to win. You have to guess price mooving. And there are sharks and fishes too. Sharks moove market and fishes go in trend... Than, sharks turn prices and fishes lost chips.
And Situation holder wins... Who sits in latest position and see full table...
I think, Forex EV=50/50 (don`t foget rake))). But for to be a shark you need huge bankroll. In poker, grinding more democratic. You have a big range of acts which can affect on play. Poker is a skill contest.
So, if you mooved by gambling only  - try yourself in Forex. I`ll get illusion of your mind. And if adventurism, patience and thinking are your elementalities - welcome to Poker!
Luck to all and huge wins!

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