пятница, 25 июля 2014 г.

Go forward! Victory closer!

Coach said me to install TableScan Turbo. I found a good video on Pkerstrategy.com about installing and settings of TableScan.But one little inaccuracy extended process for 3 hours. So, I missed a part of poker session.
   So. Very usefull soft. And poker results confirm it. I just need to study out of details. HUD works not so correct as I wish. Actually, when I start them first time, a huge info massive appears on display, and many tables were opened automatically and some windows appeared... I had to close all in 15 minutes. And after cigarette, start again. But after that, two sessions were calm and masterfully. Of caurse, main aim TST is to show table structure and choose tables with most fishing players. It shows regulars at table, multitablers, fishes and maniaks. And it can show you profit of each player.
So, I have another one advantage. Now I use 30 day trial, but if I couldn`t finde same soft more suitable for Pokertracker4, have to buy it. TST more oriented on Holdem Manager.And I can`t use all functions with Pokertracker in full.
   After and of sessions, TST found a table with frosty012 . No, TST not recommended to spend time at that table. I just watch. It was interesting to see NL100. But mooves not as regular players. So, as I read on forums, fish is everythere. Just found)))
Luck, Love and Patience to all!

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