четверг, 19 июня 2014 г.

New approach.

Was busy. Work at job or reading poker books. Family and Game at home. A week ago checked stats and wright some rules for myself for my play. May be useful for someone. I had a dawnswing last months and I start from NL0.01/0.02 on 6 tables. Play 2-3 hours, not more, or till loss 3 buy-ins. At midnight go to sleep, cause whant to start play before work, early morning. Every 2-3 days I check stats in PT4, wright notes for play for every my table position. Play by chart of hands.
Actually, last dawnswing presented a very usefull lesson. No dawnswings in poker.Your own mistakes only. And to avoid them you have to be discipline and with clear mind. If you what to push all-in a lot of hands - don`t cry about bad bets. Poker is a gambling and lottery for fishes only. Discipline and skills brings you Victory.
Luck, Love and Patience to all.

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