понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

Psyhology of fold.

I`d like to say, Dearest, about difficulty to fold a good hand. You read about folding in time. And I too. But brain joke a strange joke again and again. How fold with AA, when see flash dro and opponent bet pot? I know about long time perspective and EV, but... That a strong example. I remember JJ with 369o and big bet from fish... And I had a hot wish to push all-in... And got set in showdown. And I try to discard of this wish a long time.
Lern to make a good fold is one of the key skill. I know now, it`s aginst our psychology. Our mind wants to gamble. Inted to minimize loss contradict to passion. You want to bet bigger to win bigger pot to close all loss.
But in poker win depends from minimization of losses and value betting with a monster hands first of all. So, my advice to you all, lern to stop in time and control your passion. Belive me. Poker is a game of skills.
Luck, Love and Patience to all
Congrats with a Dragon Boats Festiwal!

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